
By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 16:46 - Egypt

Today, the man I was going on a dinner date with bought me an expensive necklace. We got to the table he had reserved when his friend came and sat with us. Somehow, the subject of getting it on came up. My date then said, "Expensive jewelry - one way ticket to her pants." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 032
You deserved it 6 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

Now would be a good time to tell him about your recent vow of celibacy...

Hm...I'd have said I was going to the bathroom, and then leave. You get to leave him behind and keep the necklace - score!


Oh boo ******* hoo. You get an expensive necklace AND you get laid. No sympathy....

125 put exactly what I was gonna say, good stuff my friend

Tell him his flight's been canceled, and there won't be a refund.

vag_fml 0

tell him you weren't expecting a pearl neckalce so you'll accept that one on its behalf.

I'm guessing he's not a boyfriend....what do you expect when someone you barely know buys you something so expensive? It's not just for kicks and giggles.

vag_fml 0

132--you're a total douche.

lolatflyingducks 0

If you slept with him, even after he said that: You're probably a ****. If you gave it back to him and kept your dignity: I applaud you. #120 makes a valid point. Maybe he really does just want your pants.

Bitter? No. Realistic to common, everyday human nature? Absolutely.