
By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 16:46 - Egypt

Today, the man I was going on a dinner date with bought me an expensive necklace. We got to the table he had reserved when his friend came and sat with us. Somehow, the subject of getting it on came up. My date then said, "Expensive jewelry - one way ticket to her pants." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 032
You deserved it 6 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

Now would be a good time to tell him about your recent vow of celibacy...

Hm...I'd have said I was going to the bathroom, and then leave. You get to leave him behind and keep the necklace - score!


lilcuti3pi389 0

sounds like the truth to meee hahah ;)

I would've given him the necklace back right then and there. Don't lower yourself to his standards by doing something so rude as keeping the jewelry and ditching that same day. Also, gifts do not equate sex. If they are willing to buy something so expensive just for sex than they can purchase an escort.

Well, it wouldn't be very nice of you to just take his gift and be on your merry way. It's only fair to find out how much he makes per hour, then find out how long he worked to buy you that necklace, then have sex for that same amount of time.

Don't lie..... Your wearing the necklace... *wink wink*

doll_face 0

so THAT'S how you do it! and this entire time i've been giving it out for free!

I hope you dumped him and DIDN'T keep the necklace. Honestly, I'm a girl... and I wonder why girls care so much about expensive necklaces and such. Unless it had sentimental value of some sort.

It's a well known fact of life. He doesn't have to be so bland though.

kellster 2

#64: No, you're not alone. I'm rather appalled at how few of us there are in the twenty-first century, though, too!!!!!! PEOPLE: A gift is a gift. Just that. Nothing more, nothing less. If something is given with expectation of something given in return, it is called a swap, trade, exchange, or something along those lines. The concept of a GIFT is something that you give to someone. PERIOD. OP: Keep the necklace, or sell it, and lose this asshole's phone number. The fact that he thought it and expected it is bad enough. The fact that he had the nerve to say it aloud, in front of you, to another person in the form of a brag, is justification to poison his dessert. He just called you a *****, a woman with whom the open expectation is that he can pay you for sex. In Egypt, I'm not totally sure how things are, I expect that most of the world still has a long way to go in terms of treating women as people rather than property, but this is unacceptable. Please don't accept it.

whatever how is it so bad? at least he bought you a necklace, most guys just expect it anyway without giving you anything lol just take the necklace and tell him to **** off if you don't like him