
By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 16:46 - Egypt

Today, the man I was going on a dinner date with bought me an expensive necklace. We got to the table he had reserved when his friend came and sat with us. Somehow, the subject of getting it on came up. My date then said, "Expensive jewelry - one way ticket to her pants." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 032
You deserved it 6 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

Now would be a good time to tell him about your recent vow of celibacy...

Hm...I'd have said I was going to the bathroom, and then leave. You get to leave him behind and keep the necklace - score!


I love how women say they value honesty, then don't. ;] Nah, I'm kidding. It could have been a joke? Kind of true, either way... :/

At least he bought you jewelery. Thats better then if he had just tried to anyway.

lol was it true? lolol that dude i dumb though...

Keep the sentiment, take the compliment, leave the jerk!

LOL, the playa needs to get played. I hope you ate your meal, kept the necklace, and gave him the boot. What an idiot though; saying that within your earshot.

adelaide_evening 0

So keep the jewelry and show him not all women can be bought. Yeah, and he sucks at analogies. "One-way ticket"? Good god, does he plan on going everywhere with one hand stuck in your pants for all eternity? He should have said it was a round-trip ticket with frequent discounts and benefits.

Did you end up spiting him, or put out anyway?

at least he didn't wink at you afterward...

this sounds like something that two and a half men would do.. lol you should play him and lead him on for some more jewelry :D