
By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 16:46 - Egypt

Today, the man I was going on a dinner date with bought me an expensive necklace. We got to the table he had reserved when his friend came and sat with us. Somehow, the subject of getting it on came up. My date then said, "Expensive jewelry - one way ticket to her pants." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 032
You deserved it 6 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

Now would be a good time to tell him about your recent vow of celibacy...

Hm...I'd have said I was going to the bathroom, and then leave. You get to leave him behind and keep the necklace - score!


Okay, so apparently I'm one of the only people here who don't agree with the notion that accepting expensive gifts/jewelry automatically means an "implicit agreement" to put out. While I have never accepted fancy gifts from any one I didn't know and I wouldn't advise anyone to, if someone DOES choose to accept these gifts, why should she have to put out? So what? The guy spent money to get her something. Unless he explicitly says, "I will give you this gift for sex" (in which case she would be prostituting), there is no obligation on her part to do anything. If he can't accept that he might give a gift without getting anything back, he shouldn't give the gift. Simple as that. The fact that people agree with the notion that accepting a gift means putting out is disappointing. What happened to class?

SpicyAlmond 0

Thank you for being reasonable.

Its common sense. Everybody knows that jewelry is that one way ticket. So are expensive dinners, romantic movie nights, valentines day gifts, etc.

Why would you accept such a gift? You should have known what his intentions were the second you saw the necklace. This isn't a FML, it's a YDI.

My response would be, "No, that would be a car."

xanth 0

12,14,59 and 60 have it right #64 the point is not, you have to put out if a man buys you an expensive gift. The point is if you go out with a man and he buys you a gift like that, he is basically propositioning you for sex in so many words. If you don't want to have sex with him, don't accept the gift, simple as that. He will quickly take the hint that you're not "that kind of girl". If you accept it and don't plan on putting out, that's basically the same as getting a man to buy you a drink and then ignoring him. It just gives women a bad name and its tacky. I personally think its a disgusting practice to try to impress a girl this way, but if you buy into it as a woman then you're just as bad. That's why I hardly ever even buy drinks for a girl unless its a mutual thing and we are buying each other drinks.

#69, agreed. I don't support women taking gifts from men or using men for gifts, but I was saying that accepting a gift, no matter how tacky that might be, does not mean an obligation to do anything sexual. Call it a slap in the face, but hey, if a guy is buying a girl gifts with the sole purpose of getting into her pants, he kind of deserves it. If you're gonna give a gift, be willing to not accept anything in return. I guess it's because I've never met a guy who does things like that. I hope I don't.

drama_queen1211 0

That's ****** up. Guys can be such assholes!

braFTW 0

He forgot to say "Spoiler alert!" =P But really, did he get any?

dg72592_fml 0

wowwww what a ******* idiot lol i hate expensive jewelery it is so pointless to me