Checked out

By $$$ - 29/05/2013 04:49 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, an elderly woman couldn't afford all of her groceries at the checkout so she started to take out a few things. I offered to pay for her groceries; she thanked me and walked out. An onlooker then came up to me and told me that she does it to someone every week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 891
You deserved it 6 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because she's a thief doesnt mean your good deed means nothing. Don't let bitch granny stop you from being awesome!


perdix 29

As an old lady, she can still trick people into getting her free groceries. I can only imagine what she was able to get for free when she was a young woman -- rawr!

sugarshane007 20

That's right Perdix, she got even more free groceries!

perdix 29

#17, don't you think your imagination could come up with something a bit more interesting? (Maybe free Windex and foot powder, heh-heh-heh.)

Do I dare ask why you picked windex and foot powder, perdix?

perdix 29

#24, no, because what you are imagining is probably far more lurid and titillating than what I was thinking. This is the fun part about imagination.

sugarshane007 20

#18, you are right. At the very least I could have been more specific. I'm sure she got all of the bobby pins and chap stick that she wanted.

MerrikBarbarian 9

Chap stick or chop sticks? The latter have more interesting uses. Clothespins perhaps? Those are more interesting than bobby pins any day... I mean yeah you can get creative with bobby pins but... *looks innocent* not that I would know anything bout that :p

Wow why is she still allowed in the store if ppl know that she does that

I'm sure the store cares more about making money than a little old lady ripping people off.

Not to mention she is a weekly customer and all the employees probably know her by name!

Perdition25 12

Not surprising, people are allowed into my store that smell as though they haven't bathed in a decade. Different scenario, I know, but still they shouldn't be allowed in.

olpally 32

I'm not helping old people anymore... They are sneaky sons of bitches! Lol.

Just because it happens every week doesn't mean she doesn't need the help. Many elderly people don't have enough money to get through the month. Good karma for you in the long run

peachfuzz74 8

Lots of seniors go without a lot due to our effed up system. She was on survivor mode. Thanks for helping her out!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

No she wasn't. She does that to get free groceries. Did you even read the FML?

She still may not have enough money every week for food. Just because she does it often does not mean she doesn't need the help.

Maybe she really can't afford her groceries. I've heard many cases of older ladies whose husbands died, and they had no life insurance, or retirement, or anything of that sort. It really is sad, actually.

Don't worry about the fact that she's a scam artist at least you are a good person!!! That's what counts and God knows!!

Always watch out for the old ones, they trick you...