
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my wife of 5 years has decided to change everything: her job, clothes, hair style, car, and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 638
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This will get voted down no doubt however... There must be some reason why she has done this. If you didn't see it coming you must not have listened to her much or she's super spontaneous!


Buttsexpirate 9

Sorry man but maybe she wasn't the one and you'll find someone even better in the future.

Hopefully she changes her mind about you. She's probley just going through a mid life crises. And gets over it soon.

Maybe she's on the run from the cops or somebody is trying to kill her and she wants to change her identity and leave all loved ones behind for their safety.... Not a lot of information was given so this is the story I'm sticking with.

MaaaanWTF 1

Sorry to hear that OP. FML has showed me how heartless people can be as well as how much pain people can endure. At least she did this 5 years into the relationship instead of 10 years. It would be even more difficult if you have children together which I hope you don't. Either way, I wish you the best of luck now that you're back in the game. Keep that pimp hand strong son! Hoes will be hoes and haters are gonna hate.

SecretMe00 5

OP can be a man and give it his all... But if the woman don't give a damn about it then it'll go down the drain. A relationship takes two people. Besides, we don't know what OP did.. He could of tried stopping her, offered marriage counseling.

ImSoEffedUp 10

She probably met someone, they became friends, got a little too close..... The "Friend" probably done things that u didn't do, so she felt new and rejuvenated by him.... So she's doing all this to distance herself from u... I could be wrong, but I doubt it.... I've been that "Friend" several times......

ImSoEffedUp 10

Yea, I'm sure u do doubt it....BUT it's true... Women are like that, compliment em when their husband/boyfriend doesn't...ask em how their day goes, how they're feeling....listen to em... It'll go a long'll get u in good...

UncleMuscles 5