
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my wife of 5 years has decided to change everything: her job, clothes, hair style, car, and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 638
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This will get voted down no doubt however... There must be some reason why she has done this. If you didn't see it coming you must not have listened to her much or she's super spontaneous!


Almaba - you have a very unique taken of being able to leap to giant, moronic conclusions in a single bound.

kshafer08 7

Did she change your diaper to...

I'll laugh when something is funny. I still don't get why some people don't seem realise there is a kind of bad attention...

marcie19 7

Maybe you should just skip the comments and just hide from life/society.

It could easily be his fault she left, but then again she could have found some greener grass. Which reminds me, I need to score some soon.

wonder19 9

Well op u should of seen the signs, she most likely tried to tell u before all the changes. You took them as nagging, or bitching. Now your going too miss me when I'm GONE!!!

Heh, I feel your pain. My ex wife of 6 years did this to me last year. She got with the guy that performed our marriage ceremony, who is now driving my old car. She cut her hair off and is now pregnant with his child. The difference is, she wanted to keep the car and have me pay for it... yeah, that didn't happen. My life is better now than it ever was. It may seem like FML now, but it'll end up being FHL if you play your cards right and keep your cool, and hopefully the best thing that ever happened to you.

Remind her she's not getting any younger