
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my wife of 5 years has decided to change everything: her job, clothes, hair style, car, and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 638
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This will get voted down no doubt however... There must be some reason why she has done this. If you didn't see it coming you must not have listened to her much or she's super spontaneous!


CursedSilent 1

Funny, my husband of 8 years is doing the same to me only my replacement's a mutual friend who was 11 when we got married.

thiscrazything 1

Life can be pretty harsh. The best we can do is move on and take care of ourselves. We have no control of others' hearts.

That sucks. I went through it with my husband a few times. Good luck and stay strong!

K_kanaka 26

Hey almaba now listen here it's really stupid of you to say it's OP's fault for his marriage falling apart. As far as all of us know he could be trying right now to get her back but hey if it wasn't ment to be then it wasn't ment to be. My family is filled with divorces but they always ended with someone else and their live turned out fine, so maybe it isn't over for OP to find that certain someone.

InSanityx 7

How unfortunate, but perhaps sometimes things truly do fall apart so better things can fall into place. It'll be hard to but time heals and you'll surely move on too.

I had a very similar experience with my now ex-wife. You see things are wrong but often will try to ignore the signs until you can't any longer. But I fully agree, better things come in time. It will take time to heal and get back to a good place where you can see the new situation and the good that can come from it. You'll get there in time. Sorry for the situation but know things will get better.

Almaba - You figured out from one sentence about someone else's life that it's all their fault? That's either a lot of arrogance you're carrying or you're an insanely good psychic. Somehow, I don't think it's the latter. We don't know if this is the OP's fault, or if his wife's highly fickle, or even if one or both of them tried to make this work and she finally gave up and decided on a fresh start, and many more potential scenarios. We're given a sentence, not the full story, and it's certainly not enough to draw a conclusion as to who's fault it is.

Take it a step further and change her hair colour... While she's sleeping. Doesn't everybody like green?

It looks like she found someone els. I'm just saying ;p