
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my wife of 5 years has decided to change everything: her job, clothes, hair style, car, and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 638
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This will get voted down no doubt however... There must be some reason why she has done this. If you didn't see it coming you must not have listened to her much or she's super spontaneous!


shes getting rid of you for someone new? or trying to change you as a person?

We all now know with 100% certainty, Almaba, that you have zero relationship experience. You're such a tool!

Sorry Dude - no jokes or usual banter - it just plain sucks. One note however, it takes two to make it start, it takes two to make it stop. Better take a personal inventory so you don'thave this happen a second time. Good luck in the future.

astralvagan 20

I feel for you..... But if a woman wants to leave then help her pack so she can be out of your life faster. Start over again and find the one that was meant for you. Don't let this keep you down for too long.

Yes .... Help her along and start looking got your soulmate. She is not it.

It takes her another 5 years to completely change everything.

Almaba = manless prick OP = Shitty luck in women department This does not make him any less of a man, he just has a bad pick in women...

Mkbitch 2

She wouldn't have if she was happy where she was. Sorry op.