Classic Mom moment

By me - 28/06/2013 15:51 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' house. I recently lost about 30 lbs. My mom hugged me and said, "Aww, you're not my chubby baby girl anymore." She then said she wished I were still fat because she missed it. She's the reason I lost the weight; she used to tease and taunt me. Thanks Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 620
You deserved it 4 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's odd. You are probably beautiful either way, though.

ItsAnanya 25

Look at this way, YOU LOST 30lbs! If I loose like 3lbs I break out into like this mini celebratory dance . End up stuffing my face full of food and gain like 6lbs -.-


Don't let people try to bring you back to their level, do what's best for you. Congrats on losing the weight.

My parents always say things like-they wish I was still a baby. I'm sure your mom only said that because it brings back fond memories of you growing up. There's no way she's not proud of you losing weight. 30 pounds lose is a huge accomplishment.

don't mind what anyone says. Do it for your self

jw90 18

Gotta love hypocritical parents.

A lot of people here are trying to give your mother the benefit of the doubt, but if she's anything like my family, no matter what you do she's going to find something about you to criticize. Please ignore her and continue on with your life if that is the case. People like that are toxic and will ruin your day if you let them.

Reminds me of when I used to be skinny and my arms resembled branches you could easily snap in half. Once I bulked up ( I'm still really not that muscular, just not as small as I used to be) a bit, people said they missed my old frame even though I was teased about it all that time. But I'm actually pretty happy with how I look now, much more so than when I was smaller. As long as you're happy OP, keep it up. Don't do it for anyone's sake but yours.

lifesucks1217 6

I hate parents like this who bully there kids about weight like its the right thing to do I mean common grow up p.s my gfs overweight mom calls her fat and said that's only thing she can up with I call BS

Don't put the weight back on for her. You keep doing whatever you're doing because I'm sure the weight loss was a great accomplishment.

Good for you for losing the weight! Your mom sounds like mine. No matter what I do, she belittles it. Go buy some hot new clothes and enjoy how great you look-no matter what size you wear.