Classic Mom moment

By me - 28/06/2013 15:51 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' house. I recently lost about 30 lbs. My mom hugged me and said, "Aww, you're not my chubby baby girl anymore." She then said she wished I were still fat because she missed it. She's the reason I lost the weight; she used to tease and taunt me. Thanks Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 620
You deserved it 4 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's odd. You are probably beautiful either way, though.

ItsAnanya 25

Look at this way, YOU LOST 30lbs! If I loose like 3lbs I break out into like this mini celebratory dance . End up stuffing my face full of food and gain like 6lbs -.-


perdix 29

Don't worry, it's much more easy and fun to pack the pounds back on. Taking them off involves sacrifice and suffering. And don't be too hard on yourself -- it's almost a statistical certainty that you'll put the weight back on and win your mom's approval and taunting at the same time.

11. Im pretty sure your statistical certainty is full of shit.

perdix 29

#25, no, my statistical certainty is about 95% within 4-5 years. Look it up before you doubt me, you ignoramus. Instead of talking crap you know nothing about, maybe you ought to exhort the OP to beat the odds and be a 5-percenter!

32. i already have in comment 2. take your bogus stats, shove them, and do some encouraging of your own.

perdix 29

#36, my stats are well-researched facts and your earlier comment does not at all address the challenge the OP is facing.

You have no way of knowing that #11. It takes a lot of dedication, sacrifice & determination to lose that kind of weight. A person who can make that kind of decision & follow through has what it takes to keep the weight off for life if it means enough to them. It depends on how important their health is to them. OP doesn't need someone like you putting them down. They get enough of they from their mother apparently.

Perdix, how are you going to tell someone to encourage OP directly after you told them that more than likely they'd put all the weight back on.

perdix 29

#54, good question. By facing the fact that maintaining a weight loss is very difficult, it would help you to more realistically support and encourage that person. Often, the problem is that once someone has achieved a goal weight, their support system assumes the person has permanently conquered their bad habits and loses sight of that person's ongoing struggle. Weight maintenance is an exceptionally difficult issue to deal with and one that gets very little attention.

That's cool and all but that doesn't explain you being an ignoramus yourself.

perdix 29

#72, I may be a prick, but I'm not an ignoramus. Look up the word. I am knowledgeable about the topic, even if present the information in a jerk-like fashion.

Oh, for the love of god! Why does everyone take Perdix seriously? It's been proven over & over (& even stated by him) that he comments sarcastically even about serious matters... In a pervious FML (quite a while back) he even made allusions toward someone needing to be freakier in bed to keep their cheating spouse more interested. Did he mean it? Probably not... But does he get a kick out of everyone who takes him seriously & tries to burn him in effigy while waving pitchforks & torches? Hell yeah, I bet he does! Oh, well... Perdix, I've got this great storage space behind my car in our underground parking structure... With just a little work, I'm sure we can turn it into a temporary bomb shelter for you when & if they chase you down.

perdix 29

Thank you. I'll enter it in my GPS in case the angry mob gets too close.

Maybe you should shove your stats down your throat and choke! have a nice day

My dad and brothers did that to me too but when I lost weight they moved on to making fun of other things. Sometimes family is like that. Ignore them because you're fine how you are!

Turns out bullies don't see a flaw and then decide to bully. Rather, they decide to be mean and THEN pick a topic. Sorry it's your mom in this case. Can't be easy.

I don't know how parents do it, but they always have a way of making a great accomplishment really good or really bad. Oh well, gratz op for working hard and losing weight!

Some people aren't happy no matter what and will find anything to bitch about. That's why you shouldn't do things unless you want to do them.

How rude. If you want someone to change herself, don't ask her to change back when she does what you asked in the first place

Good on you for losing the weight, OP. Don't worry about her. What she really misses is just the opportunity to tease you and feel better about herself by doing it.

guci101 14

She probably didnt mean any harm by tha, OP, she was probably expressing how you have lost so much weight by teasing you a little. I bet she's very happy that you have lost that weight. Either way, congrats on loosing 30 lbs OP! That's an amazing accomplishment

TwinkleToes7 15

Who cares! As long as you are happy with how you look!! :)

K410 18

Well good for you for doing something about it :)