
By Noname - 24/02/2009 22:57 - United States

Today, I asked a very cute fireman for his number, "just in case I needed him to come to my rescue." He told me, "Yeah, sure!" and scribbled it down. After he walked away, I read his note, which read: "911". FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 302
You deserved it 50 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holynemesis1208 3

HAHA...funny guy xP And #2, maybe he wasn't fighting a fire at the time haha...what's wrong with liking a fireman? A young, muscular guy who also happens to save lives...yeah, she MUST be desperate.


I'm a firefighter, stuff like this happens all the time. I actually met my girlfriend when I was off duty and driving home and her car was t-boned and totaled right in front of me. She was fine, though, her car took all the damage. But one of my former Lieutenants was notorious for his womanizing. It was really kinda funny, he didn't even *try* to pick girls up, we'd be out picking up breakfast or something and the girls at the registers would write their numbers at the bottom of his receipts, and stuff like that.

im sure him coming to rescue you really turned him on... /sarcasm men dont know what women want? i think thats more of a two way street than we like to admit.

Probably a fireman that's married and has children. Give him props for not being a dick about it.

MukyDaCookie 0

That's like Lil Wayne's song Mrs. Officer "After we were done, I asked her "baby, wahts your number" She said 9-1-1"

Lol, that's the first thing I thought of when I read it.

stkeepsitreal 0

its ur own fault for being ugly, **** ur life

LIL WAYNE DID NOT INVENT THIS JOKE, IF IT IS. Jesus Christ you ******* twits. Maybe the OP is a floozy little *****, and the firefighter had no interest. Ways one could know he's a firefighter without him dressed in gear near a big ******* red truck.... Talking to a group of people about his job, a common social thing Stickers on his vehicle a shirt with his company/name tattoo with his company Are people really this unobservant with people and behavior?

So that's NINE-ONE-ONE with two ones? You sure? Gah, I'll have to remember that.