
By Noname - 24/02/2009 22:57 - United States

Today, I asked a very cute fireman for his number, "just in case I needed him to come to my rescue." He told me, "Yeah, sure!" and scribbled it down. After he walked away, I read his note, which read: "911". FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 302
You deserved it 50 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holynemesis1208 3

HAHA...funny guy xP And #2, maybe he wasn't fighting a fire at the time haha...what's wrong with liking a fireman? A young, muscular guy who also happens to save lives...yeah, she MUST be desperate.


Yeah, but the stuff they come up with... "YDI for leaving your son unattended for one minute", seriously, who in their right mind has the time to be completely aware every second of their lives?

rofl...I acaully laughed out loud at this one. =P

v42136 0

haha that's really smart I'd do the same tho

KiDtastrophy28 0

haha yu totally set yurself up for that one xD well at least yu kno he has a sense of humor! hahaha

And the breasts are optional. JK, I appreciate firemen, they save lots of lives and stuff.

I'm not that creativeenough to think of it myself, but that is pretty funny.