Cliché for real

By fuckinghicks - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while going on a jog through the countryside, I discovered that it is actually possible outside of crappy TV shows to have a rifle leveled at you, and to be shouted at to, "Get off my land." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 333
You deserved it 17 722

Same thing different taste

By stressedartist - 09/09/2016 12:43 - United States

Today, I ran over Oprah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 499
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Ol' Man Jenkins is not pleased with all these whippersnappers on his lawn.

you don't deserve a gun being pointed at you but you shouldn't run on someone's private property either


rems109 5

Wouldn't have happened if you we're a hot chick lol

Probably protecting his fields of leafy greens.

Who's that riding into the sun. Who's the man with the itchy gun. Who's the man who kills for fun! Psy-cho Dad, Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad! He sleeps with a gun, but he loves his son. Killed his wife, cause she weighed a ton... Pyscho Dad!

SrDerick 5

I'd have yelled back: "I will when you build a god damn fence you hillbilly!" I'd also be dead.

skyeyez9 24

In the man's defense: He could have had several break ins at his house and tired of it. Living in a rural area, thugs think they can burglarize a home and nobody will notice since its out in the boonies. He is prob fed up.

galaxystar2 6

You shouldn't have trespassed. If the guy had a gun ready, I'm betting there were plenty of no trespassing signs you ignored before running into him.

I was led here by a comment in that very FML. Also, I'm very disturbed. Your Hijab/Assassin hood doesn't seem to be working, Nour. Run!!

ShannonBitt 29

and that's why you don't mess with us "fuckinghicks"