Clown World

By sweetsixteen - 22/06/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, I walked into my house to find several of my friends there for a surprise sweet sixteen party my mom was throwing for me. Everything was going great until the doorbell rang and a clown walked in. My mom hired a clown for my sweet sixteen. My friends took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 631
You deserved it 5 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

Well at least your mom is better than most moms on this site cause it seems like she really she tried :D


I think that's cute. At least she did SOMETHING.

kelseysue92 0

my mom "owes" me cakes from my past 3 birthdays. just be grateful your mom cares enough to do something.

coldplaylive2003 0

Oh well? Get over it. And yeah, I agree with some others. Be grateful she did something like that. Most parents would never even think of doing anything more than a small party with a cake.

roflstephh 0

so? she gave you a surprise birthday party, which is a lot more work then a normal one. plus, i'm almost 17 and me and my friends would love to have a clown. haha. they're pretty cool, with the balloon animals and all

VoGuE221 5

Hey at least she cares enough to get you a clown.

you shoulda run with it, made it cool. with the right attitude, you can pull most things off. of course, if it was a stripper clown that would be a whole other level of awesomeness.

YDI for complaining about it. Today, I organized a surprise Sweet Sixteen birthday party for my daughter. I spent days planning and buying supplies, I bought her a nice gift, brought all of her friends over to the house, and even paid for entertainment to come- a clown! After all the preparation the party seemed to be going well. However, instead of a thank you, all I got was a temper tantrum from my daughter because "clowns are for little kids". FML

mcsnelly 5

The FML never said anything about a temper tantrum being thrown. The FML about it is that a Sweet Sixteen party is for teenagers, not 5 year-olds. Any mom who would think that a clown for her sixteen year-old and her friends would be a good idea is seriously mislead.

You seem to be pretty mislead if you think you can generise for every 16 year old. Im 25 and would love a surprise party with a clown.

Glam_fml 0

I honestly don't see how this is a FML.. Aww, poor you. You have friends and your mom loves you. Boohoo. Boy, you are going to have a really tough time in the real world.

Haha, she's just doing the mom thing. There's nothing wrong with clowns as long as they don't stay till night. You're lucky your mom cares for you enough to have time to do this.