Clown World

By sweetsixteen - 22/06/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, I walked into my house to find several of my friends there for a surprise sweet sixteen party my mom was throwing for me. Everything was going great until the doorbell rang and a clown walked in. My mom hired a clown for my sweet sixteen. My friends took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 631
You deserved it 5 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

Well at least your mom is better than most moms on this site cause it seems like she really she tried :D


bosco_kk 0

lol, come on, thats a werid way, but it is! My friend is gonna make a party with trampolines...and she is 19!.

This is a FML for a teenager, but what would have been worse is if you had a terrible fear of clowns and your mother knew that would REALLY suck

well u have t o be grateful u even got a party, some people dont get parties.1

You are so ungrateful. Look how many people took the time to plan an event that would be special to you. I'd personally think it was a riot if a clown showed up at a party for me, and I'm well past 16.

milgalo 0

You are pretty ungrateful, but hey, w/e floats your boat. Why does everyone say "THIS ISN'T AN FML HFKGJGJ"? obviously some people think so, blame them, not the poster. :]

brrrx 0

NOT AN FML. Seriously, who gives a crap? 65: I blame them for thinking their life is pathetic...why can't they see what's right in front of them? I don't really know how the mods decide on what should go on this site, because it's pretty poor a lot of the time.

enuff_crying 0

YDI for giving a shit about the fact that there was a clown at your bday party. If its slightly embarrassing, that doesnt mean your life is ******

Omg Your mom ruined the party she spent time planning for you by getting you a clown. That is just horrible! What the hell did you want? A stripper?! Too effing bad. Life goes on. Get over it. YDI.

You're an ungrateful little bitch. Some people don't even get birthday parties.