Cockwomble strikes again

By haveahappyperiod - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my purse was stolen from my bag while I was on the train. The thief will be surprised to find that it wasn't my money purse, but in fact my "period purse". Hope they find tampons useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 567
You deserved it 4 812

Same thing different taste


The toilet paper in your picture is questioning to that statement

raininginseattle 9

They make great tea bags for vampires

Thanks for putting that image in my head, gotta go spoon out my minds eye now. Lol

perdix 29

To a man, that's known as a "question mark-exclamation point purse," as in "What the ****?!?!?!"

MiloBear 11

You mean an interrobang purse?

perdix 29

#31, almost, except at that time of the month, there's no banging going on :D

You were pretty lucky there, but it still sucks that you lost some of your needed stuff. I wonder what the look on the thief's face would be. :)

Today, I stole some lady's purse. Expecting to find a lot of cash, I called an expensive restaurant to take my girlfriend out to in advance. When I checked, I didn't actually steal any money. I stole her tampons. I can't cancel the date. FML

perdix 29

In Soviet Russia, FML reverses you! *Lowers sunglasses* First!!!

Maybe the thief was a girl and needed your "period purse" just as much as you did.

She'd have her MONEY to buy new tampons/pads. Getting stolen from (is that correct English?) is never a pleasure, (unless it's like a celebrity stealing from you and they get caught and you get a huge refund, but then again, why would someone rich and famous steal?) but I'd have my feminine hygiene products stolen over my money anytime.

Sounds like it was accidental on your part, but you can plan for this! When traveling through Europe this summer I had one backpack with an easy-to-pickpocket area on it. I intentionally kept my dirty socks and boxers in there. At one point I noticed that someone had totally opened it in a train station. They had neglected to steal anything, though.

Maybe the thief saw all those tampon commercials and was like "i can ride bikes, climb mountains, go swimming... with these?"