Cockwomble strikes again

By haveahappyperiod - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my purse was stolen from my bag while I was on the train. The thief will be surprised to find that it wasn't my money purse, but in fact my "period purse". Hope they find tampons useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 567
You deserved it 4 812

Same thing different taste


At least the got a good surprise! Maybe they won't steal another woman's purse :P

timmy257 8

Could have been a female theft.

*looks for FML post that reads 'today I stole a purse from some lady. Thinking it was full of cash I was very excited until I opened it up and it was full of tampons' fml.*

yourmurderscenex 13

I don't know why someone rich and famous would steal, 29! Let's ask Winona Ryder.. shall we?

Sounds like the FML of his life not yours

Lol that thief is gonna be pissed, Karma for him. Yls op, I hope the purse was a cheap one and you don't have a desperate need for its contents before you can resupply.

jw90 18

I can imagine the FML they'd post. Today, I stole a young ladies purse. I opened it thinking I'd find cash and fine jewelry. I didn't. It was full of tampons. Anyone need some? FML

BJA_fml 4

Tomorrow, we will see an FML post that reads: 'Today I stole this chick's purse and instead of finding cash, credit cards, and electronics, all I got was tampons. FML'