Cockwomble strikes again

By haveahappyperiod - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my purse was stolen from my bag while I was on the train. The thief will be surprised to find that it wasn't my money purse, but in fact my "period purse". Hope they find tampons useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 567
You deserved it 4 812

Same thing different taste


Hehe i just saw an FML in moderation about someone who stole a purse and found inside 6 tampons and an ice pack

lmfao! thats beautiful, i want a "period purse" now lol

This isn't a FML for you, it's really a FML for them, unless try are a menstruating woman.

haha that's funny. wonder what he will look like when he opens the bag up

About the same as before he opens it, I expect.

At least the theif got free tampons!

So that's why I have so much birth control now..

The thief might not be any richer, but he'll be able to wear white pants, ride horses, go swimming and play tennis, everyone wins!

I don't understand why you would have a separate purse for your tampons

monnanon 13

keeps them seperate and easy to find inside your bag.