Come to bed eyes

By marshmallowssss - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I just finished having dinner with my boyfriend, so I leaned over to him and said seductively, "How about some dessert?" Obviously, he didn't catch my tone, because he then looked at me and said, "Babe, you really don't need it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 509
You deserved it 9 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackson7787 0

Ha, someone's not getting anything tonight anymore.

greenfairy_fml 0

damn, the stories on here about what guys say to their girlfriends make me feel really glad I'm single


#29, I hate assholes like you who think there is something wrong with people who are overweight. Clearly you are not overweight, and have never been overweight, and therefore have no idea how a comment like that will make a person feel. Put a sock in it.

dippindot001 0

i did not say there is anything wrong with overweight people anywhere in my comment but it is in her control that she is overweight. which means she deserved that comment, b/c it is something that she can control. Also, she can control the boyfriend she has. So regardless, she deserved it.

LittleMissMack 0

Kudos #33 Andddd #32 - I used to be a heavy girl so yes I do know how comments like this can make someone feel. But it was also a comment like this that made me realize I was unhealthy and needed to revamp my lifestyle, eating, and exercise.

There is something wrong with being fat, it's unattractive and unhealthy. Don't take your own shortcomings out on other people.

amandacarolxxoo 3

omggg, wow i cant lie, i did laugh, but wow thats harsh, and i do know how that feels...hopefully he'll get the catch next time...

alex_vik 0

No, being fat isn't unhealthy. The problems ASSOCIATED with being overweight are unhealthy--overeating, lack of exercise, etc. #26 is probably a lot less healthy than many overweight people.

I totally had this happen to me. Except I didn't catch the drift.

damnn_it 0

he's watching out for you so u don't get too big

If you're fat, you're overweight. Why argue semantics? Either way, you're not anywhere near "regular" physical conditioning if you're fat, either.

If you are fat you are overweight. I am overweight but not fat. I am about twenty pounds overweight but everyone always tells me I look skinny. Not fat. I control how much I eat and also how much I exercise. I realize what a lot of people dont. If you eat all day and rarely exercise you will be fat.