
By hitandrun - 10/08/2009 18:28 - United States

Today, I hit a parked car and fled because I was so scared. Four hours later, the cops showed up at my house so I broke down crying confessing everything. Turns out, they weren't there about the car I hit. They were alerting me about the string of burglaries in my neighborhood recently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 225
You deserved it 76 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad they caught you!!! Some dumb idiot did that to my car. TWO THOUSAND dollars worth of damage. Wish I could catch them!!! Hope you get fined too!!!

MustangBaby 0


Same thing almost happened tome. I wasn't sure I hit the guy but my first instinct was to step on the gas. Soon he was right behind me and I thought he got my license plate #. Luckily it turned out that I didn't hit him.

HAha, same thing happened to someone during summer school! I feel bad for you. But seriously? You panicked? How bad could it have been - you were in a parking log.

I love number 8's logic... "I hate it when people don't tell me when they hit my car, because now I'm left with a damaged car. Luckily, someone finally admit they hit my car, but I let them go, and now I have a damaged car." It's the same end result regardless...

Bullshet 0

@ 72: Being scared is no excuse for breaking the law.

zatlap 0

You stupid bitch, people like you make me sick! if you hit something you have to take the consequences you strange *****!!!!

Your a stupid bitch for hitting a parked car I hope you die.

zatlap 0

It's "You're" or "You are" you dumb piece of shit!