
By Anonymous - 06/11/2013 17:29 - United States - Davenport

Today, the guy I really like asked me if I'd like to go to a hockey game this weekend. I said I'd love to go, so he said, "Then you'd best get a ticket soon before they sell out." I still don't know if I have a date or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 939
You deserved it 4 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say not. And if you do he doesn't sound like a very nice guy to be on one with.


this sounds like an older persons version of the kids trick where a boy tells you he likes you, and when you say you like him too he says he is joking and it was all a ploy to see where your affections truly lie. though that would be immature at best. sorry OP, sounds like it isnt a date.

cutiepie99 17

As strange as this situation may sound I had a similar problem except it was a football game and it was his but you never know maybe ask him a follow up question about the game like are u going as well? Or something to get him intrested it ended up working out well for me and my friends and I went to cheer him on afterwards we went on a really cute date together who knows for give up yet op! I wish u luck!

Yeah this is definitely not a date. Sorry about that. Only go if you want to, not for the other person.

ninjuh_wingman 29

Even if it's not a date, you still get to see a hockey game.

Yeah, deary this is not a date. Unless hockey tickets are cheap where you live, I'd say forget it. Go out with some gal pals instead and do something fun. Besides, if he wasn't buying your ticket then there were no guarantees you'd be even close to his seating section anyway.

Terri_Dactal 13

Not a date in this case it seems. However a guy does not always have to pay for a girl on a date. I don't know how it works in the states, but in Australia people tend to take turns in paying for each other or they pay for themselves

Probably my. But you should still go to the game. WIN WIN

What a douche, hopefully you have other friends to go with?

perdix 29

Looks like you have a date with about 15,000 screaming fans. Unless it's the Florida Panthers, then it's about 80.

No Florida has more then 80 however since anyone with a Florida drivers licence gets in free there's probly less the 80 paying people Phenix on the hand has about 10 fans

perdix 29

#64, actually, I mean the screaming fans part. Pants games usually had more than 80 attendees, but those with knowledge of the game was probably in the double-digits. They'd have to wait until the goal light came on to cheer.

I hear they started flashing "GOAL" up on the scoreboard because most fans weren't watching the game, only trying to see scores from other sports.

In the case of the Panthers, it just might be fans of the visiting team.