
By Anonymous - 06/11/2013 17:29 - United States - Davenport

Today, the guy I really like asked me if I'd like to go to a hockey game this weekend. I said I'd love to go, so he said, "Then you'd best get a ticket soon before they sell out." I still don't know if I have a date or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 939
You deserved it 4 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say not. And if you do he doesn't sound like a very nice guy to be on one with.


while I don't necessarily think it's fair that he invited you and then so quickly told you to buy your own ticket, I don't want to say that he is obligated to buy your ticket either just because he's a guy... if I invite a girl I like out on a date, I'm paying for her, because I personally think of a "date" as a treat - I'm treating her because I want to show my affection. others probably won't agree, but I'd be safe and say you probably don't have a date, OP...

jonahwalzer 12

Don't date him if he acted like that....

Definitely not the type of guy that's dating material..

Don't go, not a date. If it's a real date, he'd pay your ticket.

mooseantlers 1

am i the only one whos not so cynical about this? doesnt sound like its a date but does sound like he wanted you to come, maybe hes going with a group already and just wants you to join in. going could be a step in the right direction if you like him. and besides, its hockey! go to the game!

Well ever if you did. You probably don't wanna go on a date with a guy that would ask you like that.

I don't know how people can look at this and not realize it's not only not a date, it's not "let's go as friends", either. The dude has no intention of going to a hockey game with the OP. This is a joke, a cruel joke. It's the same formula as "Is your refrigerator running? Then you'd better go catch it!", with the bonus twist that it sets up an emotional expectation and then stomps on it.

mooseantlers 1

sounds like youve just been jaded by shitty people..

If you're buying tickets then it's not a date.