
By Anonymous - 06/11/2013 17:29 - United States - Davenport

Today, the guy I really like asked me if I'd like to go to a hockey game this weekend. I said I'd love to go, so he said, "Then you'd best get a ticket soon before they sell out." I still don't know if I have a date or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 944
You deserved it 4 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say not. And if you do he doesn't sound like a very nice guy to be on one with.


You don't and the guy is a dick. You might be best served by moving on from this crush.

i8cake 12

Oh you got a cheapskate for a date! You should get club seat tickets and waive to him in the nose bleed section! That'll teach him!

Skip it, OP. Nothing but aggravation, now and down the line. There must be another cute guy in your orbit.

Oh, and the next time some guy—or this guy—issues such an ambiguous, half-hearted, half-assed invitation, put on your big girl panties and ask him, "So, are you asking me out, or what?" I do recognize you were at a disadvantage because you "like" him. So pretend you don't.

Really guys? I don`t get why woman can do harsh thing to a man like call him rude names or not help him and you guys just laugh. But whenever a man laughs at a woman or does anything, even something a little rude but not that bad,you jump to the woman`s side and call the guy an asshole. Are you all man haters or feminists?

squideth 18

What the **** are you even talking about? Do you honestly think that being called a "feminist" is an insult? You're blathering about shit that doesn't even happen kid.

That's not a good guy to like OP you deserve much better than that.. He seems like a jerk

I think that was just a heads up "you better get your ticket soon"

He may have been meaning to make friendly talk with you. Not to ask you out to it

I'd say yes it's a date. Tickets are expensive unless it's preseason don't be discouraged it's a lot on one person for a first date