
By Anonymous - 06/11/2013 17:29 - United States - Davenport

Today, the guy I really like asked me if I'd like to go to a hockey game this weekend. I said I'd love to go, so he said, "Then you'd best get a ticket soon before they sell out." I still don't know if I have a date or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 939
You deserved it 4 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say not. And if you do he doesn't sound like a very nice guy to be on one with.


rickyblair 16

I don't think you do and agree it sounds like he was saying if it was a date you have to pay for yourself. While I'm all for paying your part or splitting the bill because I feel uncomfortable when guys pay for me, especially expensive things, I don't think the way he asked you was good at all. He honestly sounds like a douche.

He kinda sounds like a jerk the answer is no

It wasn't a date to begin with. Friend zoned

poisongirl708 11

If he was that rude about the ticket, it's totally not a date

Go with someone else youll have fun with--problem solved

nathanson1 5

Whether it's a date or not, get yourself a ticket and go to the game. It's hockey!

Heathtastic 10

You don't and the fact you're not sure is probably why

valentinov 15

You don't. He's making fun of you and probably, laughing of you behind your back. He's a moron.