
By jennabee97 - 08/11/2014 23:02 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I excitedly told my mom that I'm pregnant with my second child. She shot back, "You know what's a REAL achievement? Jacking your dad off in church last week without anyone noticing. Aim higher." I really didn't need to know that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 915
You deserved it 4 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iLike2Teabag 27
giantsfan2010 23

She's good. How the hell do you do that in church with nobody noticing.


graceinsheepwear 33

How can she be sure no one noticed?

Really hope that 97 isn't indicative of the year you were born...

thecman25 14

Guess "back row" means the same in church and the movies...

cjwayy 22

Congratulations, OP! I'm really curious as to how you jack someone off in a room full of people where everyone is sitting really close to each other.

Please tell me you're not actually 17.

rominion 11

All of a sudden I have an interest in church. Anyone able to give me a hand for my first time? I might be nervous

Wtf is her problem?!?! I'm not disturbed by the church thing it's the fact that she wasn't happy or supportive for you and then responded with that comment. Move away. Far far away.

I'm pretty sure your mother is going to hell... Just saying...

The_madmax 23