Cool rapper name

By Dor51 - 27/10/2013 19:52 - United States - Tacoma

Today, we found out that my unborn sibling is a girl, and my parents quickly named her. In a few years' time, "Candida" is going to catch all kinds of shit at school, just like I do for being named Dorothy. My "friends" have already started calling me "Lil' yeast infection's sis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 558
You deserved it 3 054

Same thing different taste

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olpally 32

They really need to leave the ridiculous baby names for the celebrities. **** both your lives, hard. :( stupid parents. Those people are jerks also. :/


Dorothy isn't such a bad name, but Candida....not so much.

I have to admit, I do envision an elderly woman when I think of your name lol & I wouldn't take your friends too seriously, they sound hilarious, id just laugh & keep it moving, though if it really bothers you that much I'd have a serious talk with your parents about how a less unique name might be more appropriate and make it easier on your little sis

At least she will have a fairly unique name and not have like 3 other people with the same name in her class every year. Could always call her Candy or something.

My grandmother (who is Italian) is named Candida. I never thought it was a gross name. She actually changed her name from Fiorellba to Candida, so she picked this name. It means candid or pure. She does go by Candy, but I call her Nonna Candida. I guess where you first hear the name is what you associate it with. My Nonna is a lovely person so I don't mind the name.

liquidpwnage 15

The way the average IQ is dropping with the younger generations, I don't think anyone will know what it is.

Sorry for that OP. Some parents are dumb that way.

I know a chick who's name is candida and she is a beautiful model.

You dumbasses. It's also a Spanish girls name. Look it up you idiots.

Parent usually go though a few names before the baby is born. Show your parent search results for the "name" hopefully they will get a clue.

What's wrong with your parents? They should take the crack out of their pipe