Cool rapper name

By Dor51 - 27/10/2013 19:52 - United States - Tacoma

Today, we found out that my unborn sibling is a girl, and my parents quickly named her. In a few years' time, "Candida" is going to catch all kinds of shit at school, just like I do for being named Dorothy. My "friends" have already started calling me "Lil' yeast infection's sis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 558
You deserved it 3 054

Same thing different taste

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Show them a medical dictionary...with pictures

olpally 32

They really need to leave the ridiculous baby names for the celebrities. **** both your lives, hard. :( stupid parents. Those people are jerks also. :/


Your parent shouldn't be the one naming YOUR baby op

Sibling. SIIIIIBLIIIIING. Not child. =_=

rocker_chick23 27

Do you know how to read? A sibling means brother or sister. OP is not the one who is pregnant

warriorartemis 11 need to remind your parents what the hell this is lol. That's as bad as someone naming their kid Chlamydia...

Anyway you can change the birth certificate to Candi when there not looking? That's better I suppose :|

Love how you compare the name Dorothy to being named after a yeast infection.

WinterBlue42 22

I know someone whose name is Female Brown. . Yup. FYL, OP.

To be honest, most people aren't going to know that it's the technical name for yeast.

I'm a bit concerned that so many people seemed to know what the hell that word I the only one that went straight to Google???