
By Anonymous - 10/02/2010 07:54 - United States

Today, I bought a brand new huge leather recliner. After laying down and watching football for some time, I sit up and hear a loud shatter. My iPhone was crushed by the mechanics of the chair after it slipped out of my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 959
You deserved it 8 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn Iphones are like having a trout in your pocket sometimes.


Hopefully you bought it from Best Buy and got that Black Tie Protection.

sxesam76 0

it's karma for you killing the cow

kirbybc12 0
MiniatureMayhem 0

That's terrifying... *clutches iTouch*

yusaku02 20

Best chair ever. It loves you so much that it's trying to save you from Apple :) It's a keeper!

NoNameGer 0

YDI for buying a leather recliner

FYI, thanks to IBM who left the computer market open to competition the world now has access to very powerful computers and media technology. Had IBM applied Apple's computer, we'd still have thick screens, 64MB RAM, VGA systems and 58k internet connections. Webcams? They would be the size of your computer screen and cost $2000. We'd also have those big portable CD players instead of ipods. You support Apple, your chair obviously fights it. My conclusion is your chair has more brains than you.

And for those who swear Apple is best and Mac is superior to Windows but who don't know anything about computers: IBM developed the first personal computer (i.e. small size - computers were huge until the PC! The size of a desk to the size of an entire room!). They could had patented the thing in forbidden anyone else from manufacturing personal computers, but they realized competition would force the industry to come up with the best products and technology, so they decided to leave the market open and let the world benefit from better technology. Anyone buying apple owes IBM an *******.

yottskry 0

IBM did NOT develop the first personal computer. What they DID do was standardise the specification (hence the term "IBM Compatible PC").