Crazy chick

By sadbuttrue. - 25/06/2014 01:06 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at my sister's wedding, I went to the very back of the crowd of women waiting to catch the bouquet. Not only did I end up catching it, I was accosted by a crazy chick who ripped it out of my hands, screaming at me in Italian. I later found out she was already engaged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 465
You deserved it 3 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments


“requiesta de pace"-Ezio at that moment The Rains of Castamere started to play lol.

avila_boy22 12

huuhhh so much for try'in...

She's crazy, I feel sorry for whoever is marrying her.

"Eyy, Ohhh, gimme them flowers's and stand over there with ya shirt!"