
By bubba - 17/10/2011 10:02 - China

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years felt comfortable enough with me to disclose that he had previously spent 4 years in a mental institute because he tried to kill his mother. He also told me we will be together forever. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 457
You deserved it 5 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, if he wants to be together forever he's probably not planning on killing you any time soon

I cant wait to see his reaction when you guys break up.


I don't think she should. If she wasn't scared of him before this why should she feel any different now. He's clearly better and they've been together a long time. And you never know maybe his mom abused him.

Was there a reason that he tried to kill his mother? Or is he just crazy? If the former, there should be no worries for you (even though that's still pretty creepy). If the latter... Well, sleep with your eyes open tonight.

dustyb72 2

Crazy is the wrong...we prefer mentally hilarious!

I don't think there's any reason to be scared.. If trusts you enough to tell you that I don't think he's going to kill you.

Decapitation 3

Likes long walks on sandy beaches, cats, rock music, murder, and loves riding bikes on sunny days.

He hasn't done anything unusual the past 3 years apparently. Don't be so dramatic.

perdix 29

Don't be scared -- he's an incompetent killer. With the low cost and easy availability of high-quality firearms, if you can't carry out a simple murder, you are just an ineffectual buffoon who lacks the balls and brains to be dangerous.

abceasyas123abc 12

I don't think firearms are that easy to come by in China.

perdix 29

Good point, pencil. I just assumed this FML came from Texas. I guess I made an ASS of ME. I don't see how I made an ASS of U, it wasn't Ur fault.

Not sure why it says china, I'm in Aussie... Guns are heavily licensed here

hippityhopp 2

He has just read this and is about to kill you...

Holy ****!!!! GTFO and get a gun O_O!!!!!