
By bubba - 17/10/2011 10:02 - China

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years felt comfortable enough with me to disclose that he had previously spent 4 years in a mental institute because he tried to kill his mother. He also told me we will be together forever. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 457
You deserved it 5 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, if he wants to be together forever he's probably not planning on killing you any time soon

I cant wait to see his reaction when you guys break up.


I had a friend in college that went through mental rehabilitation at a secured facility most likely similar to OP's boyfriend, and he said they didn't do jack shit to try and fix anyone. You just waited around until your hearing would come up, and if you answered all the questions right, you normally got out at your appointed time. The judicial system is in deep disarray in America.

TKello 6

You're going to ruin your 3 year relationship because of something that happened over 7 years ago? You can't judge him on his past you need to judge him on his present.

Lily_lops95 0

On god! What If you die OP Call the cops...THEN break up with him see how it goes from there?

I can't tell if this was supposed to be funny- failed attempt- or if you're just an idiot...

Run!!! Run far away while you still can.

Jesse_D83 0

Stage 5 clinger! Get the hell outta there!

jessicaaababy 8

Oh my god I would be scared! Shouldn't he have told you that earlier in your relationship? Shouldn't you get to know the person your dating I mean it's been 3 years..

42, it rarely happens like that. Normally there will be signs, few people just "snap" without the surrounding family members noticing something wrong.