
By bubba - 17/10/2011 10:02 - China

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years felt comfortable enough with me to disclose that he had previously spent 4 years in a mental institute because he tried to kill his mother. He also told me we will be together forever. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 457
You deserved it 5 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, if he wants to be together forever he's probably not planning on killing you any time soon

I cant wait to see his reaction when you guys break up.


Turn the fear thing on him. Go find yourself the meanest man there is and give him a taste of honey. Then have new BF go track and pound the living crap out of psyco boy every day for two weeks. Random times and places, like at home, work and anywhere he may go. Have him follow the guy and let him know that he is being followed. Have big man tell little psycho boy to leave his girl friend alone. He will. Many a big tough ass hole would enjoy this mission.

little_monster21 0

hmmm 3 years and you didn't notice any mental signs or psychotic tendencies??? well, hopefully he's changed...4 years is a long time...maybe he recovered? and if he plans on being together forever, doesn't sound like he'll kill you.

Find his biggest pet peeve and use it try to get him annoyed with you relationship over

I'm sure it has taken a lot for him to tell you that.. He trusts you and believes you won't judge him, like you have. Every person makes mistakes, big and small and most people learn from them. Hopefully he has learnt from his? Otherwise when he finds out you've FML'd his life..... things could get awkward!

Just because he went to to a mental house does not mean he is crazy. He probably was going through a lot. Mental hospitals are not as bad as tv shows them. My friend was in one for a year for the same thing and she is perfectly normal. Plus he got out which means he is on medications that help him. Just love him how he is.

I have bi polar, and severe depression, and a few other fun issues. I am grateful to have my forever guy . He is my rock. The people saying they let him out have a point. They wouldn't if he was a risk. Be honest about your fears , though. He deserves the truth too.

Perhaps it's just me but in a twisted way, could this not just be him trying to split up with her? If he has given no previous indication of psychotic nor obsessive behaviour. It's a bit contrived telling her he spent time for attempted murder and 'btw we'll be together forever'.

If your really scared, just do your best to get him to dump you. Eat a ton, don't wear makeup or do your hair, cry all the time, just basically be in a gross PMS stage 24/7. And if all that doesn't work, chop all your hair off, start dressing like Ellen Degeneres, and get a friend that he doesn't know to be your lesbo lover. Have fun.