
By happybudiess - 14/10/2011 04:30 - United States

Today, I went to the free clinic down the street to prove to my girlfriend I don't have any STDs so that we can finally have sex. Turns out I have one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 242
You deserved it 55 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missbadluk 0

That sucks so bad. But kudos to you for actually going to get tested. Most people don't and spread diseases left and right.


Franklin24 3

Let's hope it not a viral one or you'll have it for life and most likely never get laid if not then your safe

People saying he deserved it. Ever thought some people can't use condoms? I personally have a latex allergy but I'm on the pill and my bf is clean. It only takes a shit ex of his to lie or cheat. Unless he was a **** to catch it. In that case YDI