Date night

By Anonymous - 22/11/2010 22:26 - United States

Today, I told my husband that I wanted to take advantage of the alone time we would have while our kids are visiting my parents. My idea? A nice dinner out and kinky sex all night long. His idea? Chinese buffet and subsequent dutch ovens in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 730
You deserved it 4 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingDingALing 9

Take the hint, OP. What guy would give up the chance to have kinky sex with his wife all night long? I'll tell you what kind of guy would do that, a gay guy. Give him a ***** for Christmas.

u can still have sex. just not with him.


It sounds like you two want the same things to me. No worries here. Go to a nice Chinese buffet then fire up the Dutch oven and start screwing around. Whoever comes out for air first has to go down under again until he/she learns to love it. Good times, good times.

you make it sound like you've been there and done it

mshooter 0

lol not to sound like a creeper or anything, but is that really you in your profile pic?

maybe you should look at someones profile before asking stupid questions cause most likely you're going to find out.

Sooo, what's the diff? lol Different interpretations of the same thing, I suppose!

whats wrong Dutch ovens not kinky enough for ya?

califormula 0

who passes on kinky sex?!????

I'm sure she claims that but is really just a starfish.

carcinogan 0

that's a perfect combo what the hell?!

what's wrong with going to a Chinese buffet? now for the Dutch oven...that's kinda iffy