Deep sleep

By Anonymous - 04/08/2013 19:28 - United States - Scottsdale

Today, I woke up to my girlfriend grinning at me, her hand on my junk. I grinned back, then looked down and saw blood smeared all over her hand and my junk. After I started screaming and crying, she laughed and said it was fake blood. She recorded everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 870
You deserved it 9 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She is pure evil!!! Haha. I hope you won't get any psychological issues from this OP. ;-)


Powerage66 16
olpally 32

Horrifying prank... That's just ****** up. I'm sure no guy wants to see fake or real blood on his junk. I know I'd freak out too.

That was so sadistic! I love it lmao wow best prank ever by a gf!

rastaams457 6

That was really bitchy, sorry man, that really sucks. Maybe u should hav some time apart?

#66: Don't act like it doesn't happen, 9/10 times it is EXACTLY like that.

Are you dating the girl from hard candy?

Elfkid21 19

wow. kinda feel sorry for you. plot your payback soon.