Deep sleep

By Anonymous - 04/08/2013 19:28 - United States - Scottsdale

Today, I woke up to my girlfriend grinning at me, her hand on my junk. I grinned back, then looked down and saw blood smeared all over her hand and my junk. After I started screaming and crying, she laughed and said it was fake blood. She recorded everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 870
You deserved it 9 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She is pure evil!!! Haha. I hope you won't get any psychological issues from this OP. ;-)


FFS, what is wrong with her? That isn't funny at all.

perdix 29

That was probably just a dress rehearsal for the Amateur Vasectomy Challenge sweeping YouTube after everyone became bored with eating cinnamon.

Emelsh16 11

I thought it was an Amateur Liposuction Challenge! Well, pretty...uh...interesting, nonetheless. *shivers*

Your reaction is actually pretty funny- screaming and crying? Did you not notice the lack of pain that would indicate injury?

Lichinamo 33

Not only were they in a panic for waking up to find their penis covered in blood, but it could have been possible they assumed it was so painful that it was numb with pain. OP: Break up with her, NOW. Anyone who scares you by making you think you're badly injured is NOT safe to be with: While trying to make it look like you're hurt, they could really hurt you.

lyvingvamp 15

Calm down. It was just a joke and nobody got hurt. Freaked out, maybe. But not hurt.

45- I would probably get a huge fright if it was me, and probably gasp and jump out of bed, but would quickly check my 'injury' to figure out what to do. If he actually was injured, how far would screaming and crying get him? That's pretty damn dramatic.

This calls for revenge! Prepare you can of worms and get your camera ready, a prank war is before us...

dantee2005 33

EPIC TROLL GIRLFRIEND. I think I'm in love with her! ;)

Obey_StudBoii 23

Come on now, can't blame her for having a sense of humor.