
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was visiting my grandmother's house. She keeps the thermostat on 85 and after about 30 minutes I explained to her that, "I'm going to have to leave, it's just too hot in here." She replied, "You think it's hot in here, wait until you get to hell." I laughed. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 556
You deserved it 6 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow nice but sry thats hilarious.

tell her in detail what you do to sexy men you like.


melishusss 0

it's ok. i'll probably be going to hell too. see you there!

Kickinchicken213 3

#10- Got a little too much time on your hands, huh?

so she is trying to get accustomed to the heat to make it more bearable when she goes to hell? or to make it more bearable for you when you go to hell?

#10, where did the poster state that they didn't believe in God?

tiltwrestler 0

#14: Perhaps at the moment, yeah I do. But its never the wrong time to spread both God's word AND common-sense logic at the same time, is it now? I just wanted to put some things in perspective. His grandma isnt harsh and evil for saying that; she would be harsh and evil to be a Christian who believes her grandson is going to hell, and then NOT say anything, thus assisting him in going to Hell! And remember- this is all relative to HER MIND. Just because you dont believe what she believes, doesn't mean you can discredit her good intentions based on that. Her beliefs and her will translate to her actions; you cannot judge another accurately, when you use your beliefs with their actions. At least, not when it regards religion. You see, its all in the logic. ======================= To the person who asked where the OP said that: once again, its all in the logic! If the OP DID believe in God, the thought would scare them. That would initiate one of 2 responses: either indignation/anger, or fear and trying to redeem themselves somehow. One would NOT LAUGH if he believed in Hell, and then someone told him he was giong there.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#14: agreed. wtf is #10 talking about and where did they get this little essay from? And I don't see this as much of an fml though.

curryndricegirll 0

Is that why she was preparing?

Meow34 0
sunshyne84_fml 0

ok......wouldnt visit granny anymore.