
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was visiting my grandmother's house. She keeps the thermostat on 85 and after about 30 minutes I explained to her that, "I'm going to have to leave, it's just too hot in here." She replied, "You think it's hot in here, wait until you get to hell." I laughed. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 556
You deserved it 6 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow nice but sry thats hilarious.

tell her in detail what you do to sexy men you like.


Not to worry Hell doesnt exist its made like Neverland or France

#10, shut the **** up. Seriously. Spouting more of your nonsense actually works -against- you. I would know, raised between a Catholic mother and a Muslim father, both of them tried to get me to be their religion. I didn't enjoy being forced to go to a Mosque and I didn't enjoy being forced to go to Church with my friends' families. The Mosque I went to forced people to worship in different rooms based on gender, and the Churches told me that because I wasn't baptized I was less than human. The more I was put into situations where I was exposed to religious anything, the more I disliked it. Now I can't tolerate hearing God this and God that. Save that shit for your Church. **** that noise. OP, I feel so bad for you. ): Sorry to hear that, dude, seriously.

yeahreally 6

well..*cough*... bring sunscreen? lol

roundyswater 0

#10, While I understand what you're trying to say, and agree with some of it (I'm a Christian as well), this is not the place to say it. Also, you come off as a bit too radical, which is just going to make things worse. Finally, you don't have to make religion and "Darwinism" a conflict. One can believe in God and evolution. #25, You sound like an intelligent, logical person. However, you too come across as very radical and narrow minded. Your hypocrisy is astounding. You shout out your self-proclaimed "morality" but then you end with "Religious people are insane." I don't think calling the majority of the world insane is moral. You also assume that any religious person is blind, that they have submitted themselves to "propoganda" that was thrust upon them since childhood. While this is true for some, many of us have thought deeply about religion and have come to the conclusion that there is a God. I don't care what you believe, I just want you to be tolerant. And before you all say I am "forcing my beliefs on you", I have to stress I am forcing nothing, just trying to be in the middle of two radicals. The people who complain of having religious beliefs "forced" on them are probably the same people who ridicule all religion, "forcing" their non-belief on everyone else.

#10 There is overwhelming evidence that life existed as early as 4.6 billion years ago (less than 500 million years after the end of the heavy bombardment period). There was no oxygen. There were however a plentiful supply of organic molecules, which exist everywhere, even in the interstellar medium. Life formed on Earth (as far as we can prove) almost instantaneously - and considering sterilizing impacts could have wiped out life a huge number of times before our common ancestor survived, this means the probability of life forming on a habitable planet under acceptable conditions (the Earth was essentially a giant boiling ball of water with magma spewing out of vents with sulfurous air) is extremely high. The Bible says God put life on Earth and only Earth. We live on an average rock orbiting an average star in an average galaxy in an average cluster. Chances are there is tons of other life in our galaxy alone (perhaps only a very small percentage of that being intelligent life), which alone, if other life is discovered (it is suspected that there could be bacterial life in the underwater oceans of Jupiter's moon Europa, and plans are in the making to test this idea), will finally debunk the religion. Although a diehard Christian with 'wrestler' in the name makes me suspect troll.

f_ckkl_fe 0

you people are so dumb y are you guys arguing over religion and darwinism and shit because the person said "hell" in their fml. get over it and get lives. anyways this was pretty funny i love old people (:

katherinebby17 28

this made me laugh im so sorry that she said that

Uzumaki_fml 0
Cantabguy 0

#35 "I don't think calling the majority of the world insane is moral." What on earth do you mean? How is calling the majority of the world insane immoral? At most you might consider it rude, but immoral? I think you need to look up the definition of morality.

Cantabguy 0

and #36 the validity of evolution, geology and any other branch of science that disagrees with creationist madness does not disprove religion or the concept of a god. It only disproves a literal reading of Genesis. It is a sadly pervasive myth that evolution and religion are incompatible.