
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was visiting my grandmother's house. She keeps the thermostat on 85 and after about 30 minutes I explained to her that, "I'm going to have to leave, it's just too hot in here." She replied, "You think it's hot in here, wait until you get to hell." I laughed. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 556
You deserved it 6 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow nice but sry thats hilarious.

tell her in detail what you do to sexy men you like.


#10/17. Believe what you want, but please, please do not try to warp facts. DARWINISM does indeed have its flaws, but it has been expanded upon and improved greatly since the 1800s. I'm sure there are some fake fossils, but that does not make "most" of them fake. And embryo "drawings" are actually derived from techniques like ultrasounds, MRIs, and even dissections. Just because you choose to treat fact as opinion does not change the actual facts.

wow this is the first fml i've actually laughed at in a LONG time.

Aristai 0

Chill out #10 "Would you rather live your life as if there is a God, and find out there isn't... or live your life as if there isn't a God, and find out there IS ONE?" You can't force yourself to believe something. If something (God) defies all logic and evidence, there is no way i will believe it, even if i really wanted to. And if there really was one, surely it would prefer us to just be good people, instead of mindless puppets of a religious establishment. "I pray that you pray. I'm a Christian, and of course I have my doubts about it, but common logic (which liberals adore so much) simple helps prove my point, that it statistically makes you SAFER (and also a better, more moral person) to both believe and follow the Bible, at least the new testament about loving God and others." It does not make you more moral. In fact, I would say it makes you less moral. I am capable of forming my own morals like a normal, healthy human. I do not need to pick and choose bits from a book from back when slavery was perfectly acceptable. You can go on about the new testament, but even that has some pretty twisted things in it. To blindly follow the bible with no critical thinking would make you very immoral indeed. Your essay is extremely poorly researched. You are blinded by religious propaganda. It poisons your mind, taking away your ability to think rationally. Any gaps Darwinism may have had have been and are still being filled up with new findings and research, each one a critical blow to the insane myth of creationism. But the stubborn religious right will never accept the truth, no matter how clear it is made for them. If there was a new concrete piece of evidence that completely disproved evolution, i would stop believing it in a second. People have to learn to think based on the evidence that is presented to them, and not based on mad beliefs from centuries ago. Religious people are insane.

25 that last sentence pretty much summed it up lmao

APit 0

thats just funny! lol and

tiltwrestler 0

23: Im talking about the drawings done by robert hooke, that compared humans to other animals in the womb. they were falsified, and humans in actuality look nothing like other animals in birth. however, his drawings- even tho proven to both be false and made up- are still used in textbooks. in fact, we used them just last year in MY BIOLOGY CLASS! yes im only a 10th grader. but im not stupid. as for the other drawings, well golly jeepers thats great- why dont they use THOSE EMBRYO DRAWINGS in our class, instead of the FAKE ONES that got discarded 30 years back?

Aristai 0

#27- you're talking about the state of school textbooks now, not religion. Don't change the subject.

haha i laughed out loud truly an FML moment.

#10 has too much time on his/her hands. Anyway, I would have laughed too. XD