
By OutOfTheCloset - 02/06/2012 06:50 - United States - Clifton

Today, I came out of the closet. I came out on Facebook to spare myself awkward conversations and gossip. I wrote a deeply meaningful status about my partner and my pride in who I was. The only responses were, "Lol", "Hacked", and similar remarks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 915
You deserved it 13 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bjoernabee 1

Whats with people and against gays? Seriously. It just gives us guys a better chance of finding a girl :D But yeah, FYL

klovemachine 24

Should have done it in person. No possibility of hacking that way (or people saying lol hacked)


Coming out in a Facebook status probably wasn't the best idea. Though, I've had a friend make a video of herself coming out and explaining her story. That had good feedback.

JohnzSexyMamas11 7

What did you expect? People hack eachothers facebooks all the time and the most common ones are "I'm gay" you should have maybe mentioned this is not a hack I am serious, but still you don't deserve it! Sorry, man

anubisismylife 9

-.- I give up on the world. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?! Your Facebook "friends" should be ashamed of themselves.

That's why you don't come out on Facebook.

Not surprising people don't believe you since that gets posted as a hack message all the time. Just explain that it isn't a prank. Congratulations on coming out I know it probably wasn't easy.