
By OutOfTheCloset - 02/06/2012 06:50 - United States - Clifton

Today, I came out of the closet. I came out on Facebook to spare myself awkward conversations and gossip. I wrote a deeply meaningful status about my partner and my pride in who I was. The only responses were, "Lol", "Hacked", and similar remarks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 915
You deserved it 13 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bjoernabee 1

Whats with people and against gays? Seriously. It just gives us guys a better chance of finding a girl :D But yeah, FYL

klovemachine 24

Should have done it in person. No possibility of hacking that way (or people saying lol hacked)


1crabbygirl 10

Coming out took a lot of courage. Even more so in Texas. Congratulations on living your life fully. Now you're apparently going to have to host a party and announce it there, in person!

Nothing replaces good old face-to-face conversation. Summon your courage and talk to a handful of people you care about. The rest will follow/fall into place.


Quit being gay and this won't happen

i did the same and shit hit the fan.... better to tell those close to u and dont worry about what other people think its u who should be proud of who u are

Well now things might get weird when you explain it.

MillerBeerTime 5

That's ******* disgusting. Get back in the closet.

The only thing is though... he wrote something long meaningful. Would someone hacking another account write a long story about being gay? Most would make a status saying "Hi I'm ____ and I'm gay[;" All I'm saying here is that the people who commented should have considered the status to be real and not some joke. OP, I give you credit for coming out. Even posting it on facebook took a lot of strength. I'm close friends with a few gay people myself, so I have a sense of what it's like to come out. Just confirm it in person, although it may be hard, and you'll be fine. :)

well that's good. now u have a chance at becoming straight.

stormthief 10

i can honestly say when i come out i will not be doing it w facebook....but then again it wont be anytime when i do fb will probably not be cool!! but i feel really bad.... congrats though!!!<3