
By OutOfTheCloset - 02/06/2012 06:50 - United States - Clifton

Today, I came out of the closet. I came out on Facebook to spare myself awkward conversations and gossip. I wrote a deeply meaningful status about my partner and my pride in who I was. The only responses were, "Lol", "Hacked", and similar remarks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 915
You deserved it 13 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bjoernabee 1

Whats with people and against gays? Seriously. It just gives us guys a better chance of finding a girl :D But yeah, FYL

klovemachine 24

Should have done it in person. No possibility of hacking that way (or people saying lol hacked)


If people think you were hacked you should make sure that you tell people in person this time. The same thing happened to a friend of mine and they just had to go around and let people know that it was true. It was a bit awkward for him but at least now he is being honest with himself and others.

Straight people have the billions of other straight people for support

Today I thought tubbing in the river behind my cabin would be a fun thing to do, so I told my dad I would be back in 45 minutes to an hour, only to get back after 4 long hours of level five rapids. FML.

wait, you outed yourself on facebook to AVOID gossip...?

shananiganizer 0

Hey, gays were created by God to fix the overpopulation of the human race. Be thankful

Well if you weren't gay in the first place...

Moonheart13 1

Aww I'm sorry man. People are such idiots........welcome to the real world! :)

Whenever a guy leaves his facebook open, one of his friends usually changes his status to something about him being gay. Give it a few days and they'll know it's you.

Well, FYL for such responses. But Facebook? I mean, it´s not like the intellectual elite is meeting there.