
By tp2014 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Jesup

Today, I was looking for a job. I was so desperate for gas money to drive around town that I had to steal $20 from my sister. She's only 10 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 840
You deserved it 23 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ashleyjade12 9

I hope you plan on paying her back.

XBurytheCastleX 25


Stealing from a child is a good deed? What's wrong with you

Dude, that's horrible. You could have just asked her, I'm sure she wouldn't mind lending you the money indefinitely.

What is wrong with you? She's 10 and you steal money from her? You pay her back with interest!

It's probably his/her allowance that s/he saved up...jerk.

You'd think with such a broken moral compass, you could just say screw the job and turn to a life a crime! Hell even a lot of criminals wouldn't hurt a child

You should have just asked her. Or better yet, use transit I stead of driving around. If you don't have money for your car, use the bus.

Zimmington 21

The bus isn't free so if OP had no money at all this isn't a real solution.

If he doesn't have money for the bus - borrow a bike ya fat ****. Stealing from a 10 year old just before Christmas that's absolutely despicable. Oh, and btw OP - you logic is completely flawed. "HAD to steal..." WTF?! Shame on you!

I am 99.99999999% sure 9 is being sarcastic.

You deserve it. You couldn't have asked your parents to borrow money? I hope you pay her back what you took and extra!

Dude, take the bus or something what the hell

Taking the bus costs money too. Would it had made you feel better if OP had used the stolen money to take the bus instead?

You're a terrible person and I hope karma bites you in the ass. Most places nowadays will just tell you to go online for an application if you apply in person.

#27 that's so true so she probably stole from her little sister for nothing almost every thing is being done by electronics now.