Detective work

By broken vows - 15/03/2014 21:48 - Canada - Cambridge

Today, I followed my wife out, since she's been acting strangely lately and I was suspicious. She met up with a guy at a restaurant, who she later claimed was her brother. Either she's cheating on me, or it's tradition in her family to make out and grope each other at the end of meals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 471
You deserved it 4 870

Same thing different taste


MidnightMusic53 37

That's so wrong. I wouldn't even try to work it out since she lied about it while being confronted. If she has no problem lying about it after being caught, then she won't have any problems cheating again. Get yourself a good lawyer, and some proof of her affair. If you can get her phone records, it may help.

So my brother was lieing to me the whole time oh god

And you don't know who her brother is???...

Hey guys my profile pic is an orange please visit my page!

That really sucks mate. Sorry to hear that...

davek 36

Depends which state you're from.

None of them. It clearly says he's in Canada. You're about the 78th person to post that "joke."

#113 The wife could have lived somewhere else before the marriage. It's arguable but wherever she's from he should probably send her back.

cookie1207 19

Leave her! Noone deserves that!

I live in North Carolina, and it's actually legal here to marry your first cousin. I've also seen a few brother and sister relationships. It's gross, but in your case, I'm pretty sure she's just cheating. You deserve better OP.

Coeliacchic93 21

I think that sounds so creepy to be in a relationship with a sibling or cousin. I hope they don't have kids because of the lack of genetic diversity.

I would be insulted by the stupid excuse she came up with as if you would buy that it was her brother. Dump her now.