Door knocking

By firewait - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I gave my 16 year-old step-daughter and her friends a lecture on respecting other people's privacy. Two hours later, I accidentally walked into her room without knocking. She and her friends were giving each other bikini waxes. Now her friends call me "the hypocritical pervert." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 640
You deserved it 80 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'd be more concerned that her and her friends give each other bikini waxes

Well the pervert thing is unjustified, but seriously, you can't tell her off for not respecting other people's privacy and then just walk into her room without knocking. Just apologise to her and let it serve as a reminder for next time to think before you go in there. She's a 16 year old girl, be glad she wasn't doing anything worse when you walked in!


kflaherty008 0

y the **** were u going into her room anyways? stepdads have no rights there

How do you just walk in her room without knocking? Pervert indeed.

And that is what you dont walk into a teenage girl's room without knocking. Is it just me, or all the majority of all stepfathers idiots and assholes?

dude altho this is one of the biggest YDIs ever (seriously dude, this was epic because u didnt knock after giving a probably long lecture on privacy), but someone answer me this: why do girls do weird crap like tht? i mean guys never shave each others balls, but girls feel the need to wax each other? at 16, im learning more about girls every day (no comments from the peanut gallery). As for the dad, this would be an FYL if u hadnt given the speech. i'm 16 and i dont have a lock on my door, my mom goes thru my backpack if she feels the need, and my dad checks up on what sites i visit on the computer (which cost me an iPod touch last december....f*^$#@! **** is the devil!!. neway) and im ok with tht because i have nothing ot hide from them, and its their house. they pay the bills, i eat the food. alrite, wrappin it up the dads in the wrong for not knocking onl cuz he gave the speech, and the daughters a freakin weirdo.

alee562 0

well u shoold learn to knock but in the other hand i think the girls are pervs too cuz there giving eachother bikini waxes

Im a girl. my friends and I wax each other all the time. step dads are known for being creep though.. you should have knock. I hate when guys dont know. Im the only girl in a house full of guys. people need to knock especially if they dont wanna see things

bubblybrooke 12

okay idiot. STEP dad. NO rights there. not only shouldn't you be entitled to lecture her (which is her real parents job) but you do NOT have the right to walk in on her EVER without knocking. no matter what. she isn't your child, she is a child of the woman you're *******. big difference. and no, saving money to get your downstairs waxed by people you trust isn't a bad thing at all. stupid people these days :-/

yeah...i have a stepdad and he isn't even THAT stupid to walk into my room without knocking. normal dads shouldn't even do that. and nice on trying to parent her even though your not her dad. if you were my stepdad i would have told you to shut the hell up. so as far as i'm concerned, shes the mature adult here.