Door knocking

By firewait - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I gave my 16 year-old step-daughter and her friends a lecture on respecting other people's privacy. Two hours later, I accidentally walked into her room without knocking. She and her friends were giving each other bikini waxes. Now her friends call me "the hypocritical pervert." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 639
You deserved it 80 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'd be more concerned that her and her friends give each other bikini waxes

Well the pervert thing is unjustified, but seriously, you can't tell her off for not respecting other people's privacy and then just walk into her room without knocking. Just apologise to her and let it serve as a reminder for next time to think before you go in there. She's a 16 year old girl, be glad she wasn't doing anything worse when you walked in!


You really should learn to knock. Accidents happen though, don't dwell on it, she'll forget eventually ... just trying to make you feel better, FYL

xiShawnx 0

Are you a guy? are her friends hot? :)

MKflyy 0

How is that a double standard? He's clearly acknowledging the fact that he was an asshole.

You should say, "And this is why you have to knock" and make it a lesson rather than a slip-up. :)

Afghanee666 0

Well the pervert thing is unjustified, but seriously, you can't tell her off for not respecting other people's privacy and then just walk into her room without knocking. Just apologise to her and let it serve as a reminder for next time to think before you go in there. She's a 16 year old girl, be glad she wasn't doing anything worse when you walked in!

I agree. oh, btw, I'm lesbian, and I don't give my friends bikini waxes. yer daughter is obviously a creep. or, this fml is a lie. but still, learn to knock.

why do u moderate a comment saying that I'm lesbian and I don't do that?!?!?! is homosexuality a crime all of a sudden?!? **** you moderators!!! just plain **** you.

NancyDeebensDPDS 0

Apologize*. damn u britain!

Wittlestalker 0

That is disgusting. Why would they be giving eachother bikini waxes? I love my friends and I would do anything for them, but not that. You should tell her she can't have friends over anymore...

are you kidding me? telling her she can't have friends over wouldn't solve anything. she'd just get super pissed off, and do the same things at other people's houses. teenagers will be teenagers, and there are some things you cannot stop then from doing.

Wait what's wrong with giving each other bikini waxes? It isn't easy to do alone and if you're comfortable enough with your friends it shouldn't be considered a bad thing.

i'd be more concerned that her and her friends give each other bikini waxes

smartalek 2

Nah I know a lotta girls that are there when they out in tampons

smartalek 2

Nah I know a lotta girls that are there when they out in tampons

You really did ask for that one. YDI But they are obviously just trying to one up you on the pervert thing.

lolwhat_fml 0

YDI, but there just calling you a 'hyprocritical pervert' so you wont her them in trouble for biniki waxing. and #8, your disgusting

why would they get in trouble for that? sure it's weird that they're doing it to each other, but that'd be like getting in trouble for helping your friend shave.

You should have been like "Sorry, I thought something broke"