Door knocking

By firewait - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I gave my 16 year-old step-daughter and her friends a lecture on respecting other people's privacy. Two hours later, I accidentally walked into her room without knocking. She and her friends were giving each other bikini waxes. Now her friends call me "the hypocritical pervert." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 640
You deserved it 80 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'd be more concerned that her and her friends give each other bikini waxes

Well the pervert thing is unjustified, but seriously, you can't tell her off for not respecting other people's privacy and then just walk into her room without knocking. Just apologise to her and let it serve as a reminder for next time to think before you go in there. She's a 16 year old girl, be glad she wasn't doing anything worse when you walked in!


justxdream 0

#11- your either 7 years old, stupid, or need to look in to personal hygiene..

I realise that by this time my question may seem pointless, but due to all the "She deserved it for not locking the door" comments I really must ask - do all houses everywhere else in the world have locks on all the doors?? Because I don't know *anyone* who has a lock on their bedroom door. Or any door that isn't a direct entrance/exit to the house or a bathroom. Hello, confusion.

SamAdams 2

It's stories like these that defeat the purpose of "FML". Clearly YDI you hypocrite!

peaceloveamala 0

ydi. not for walking in, but for not knowing that your daughter was with her friends doing bikini waxes in her bedroom.

ashleyy_fml 0

#5 & 6, hahahahah agreeed!

lilcuti3pi389 0

wtf kinda girls give each other bikini waxes?? thats weirrrdddd!!!! and for everyone calling her a hypocrite she obviously said it was an accident its called ppl make mistakes that sux =/

l33tm0nk3y 0

They nailed it on the "hypocritical" part, but the "pervert" bit is rather gratuitous.

ekoorb97 0

forreal! that is definitely privacy material