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By Dani_Rich - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop for speeding in a 25 MPH zone. As the cop was walking towards my car, I flicked my cigarette butt out of my window. So, the cop did me the pleasure of writing me two tickets instead of one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 035
You deserved it 174 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In general, when I find out someone smokes, my respect for them drops. Hugely. Likely due to the fact that I've seen first hand, people I love dying because of it. Smoking to begin with is stupid. Speeding in a 25mph means you were in a residential area and likely there were kids in the neighborhood, again stupid. And finally, literring out your car window as a cop is walking up to it, stupid idea number 3. 3 Strikes and you're out. Your life is only "******" becuase of your own stupid decisions.

wtf_fml 0

duhhhhhh. seriously wtf how thick can you get.


Even as a smoker I can't ******* stand when people throw their butts out the window. Not all smokers are inconsiderate assholes like this guy. You deserve a third ticket for being a dumbass.

wow....... some people are just plain dumb

strawberryswirl 0

People who smoke deserve whatever they get.

#52, smoking is a habit of some people and smoking is of choice for some, Youre honestly a complet idiot to post something like what you just said, people do what they do for reasons, youre a douche bag. thatd be like a smoker saying, "people who dont smoke deserve what they get." show respect to get respect dick head.

shadowprometheus 0

Intelligence. I have used my ashtray once....when I was pulled over lol and **** you 52.... self-righteous dick

retoxified 0

I hope all of the people who have a problem with cigarettes get cancer.

h8crewdeathr0ll 0

i ******* hate pigs, go ******* stop someone who is actually hurting or putting other people in danger

My car DOESN"T have an ashtray..Its a brand new, nice, expensive car too. I'm not saying this guy was in the right, just sayin..its dumb to assume all cars have ashtrays. I'm not a smoker just fyi

Thank you, #30 and #56. My car has an ashtray, but it's broken and won't open. And I've been pulled over in a 25 mph zone for going 28. Some cops are just dicks. But seriously... littering in front of the cop?