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Double entendre

By mel - 11/05/2012 21:23 - United Kingdom - Bournemouth

Today, while in the break room at work, I laughed at a co-worker's joke and started choking on my drink. My boss exclaimed in front of everyone, "We need to teach this girl how to swallow!" to everyone's childish amusement. Now they won't stop calling me Spit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 033
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLshark 12

Yeah Spit, what're you doing on FML? Go learn to swallow!!


1crabbygirl 10

I hope I'm around to see each and every one of you go down in flames for sexual harassment someday when you're old enough to have jobs. F Your Lives. Get him back, Spit!

Just grab the nick name by the horns and leave spit everywhere. Spit on people when you talk to them, drool when your boss is giving a meeting, spit loogies in the sink. Be the feminist rebel Spit we all know you can be.

Sab0026 0

Report his ass to HR for sexual Harassment. That's totally uncalled for.

What If he 'never meant it that way.' also if he op did the boss could make OPs life hell.

mckibabe 7

Yah, tell them your boss calls you spits, I'm sure you'll get an immediate response.

its clear to see half of you people have never worked in a kitchen environment before. that comment is tame compared to everything else you hear and see in a day

Rachaelc23 8

Just say you don't like the nickname. But then, most nicknames are jokes.

Saying you don't like your nickname is often about as effective as tattooing it on your forehead, though.